Village News
Bowling tournament brings villages together
04 March 2024
The Spring sunshine burst through the rain clouds just in time for 48 residents from seven Metlifecare villages, as they gathered together at the Maraetai Bowling Club in East Auckland for the inaugural Pōhutukawa Landing Bowling Tournament.
Sixteen teams of three bowlers from The Poynton, Longford Park Village, Dannemora Gardens, Highlands, Hibiscus Coast Village, Greenwich Gardens, and host village Pōhutukawa Landing battled it out for first place to win an engraved shield and cash prize – along with village bragging rights.
Pōhutukawa Landing resident, Dennis Horne, who played a key role organising the inter-village tournament, said the idea to hold the event came about from a desire to “just get people together and socialising.”
“We’re a fairly new village, so I thought it would be good to have some fun outdoors, and bowling is more exercise than you would think.”
Dennis, who has been a Beachlands local for 40 years said he’s “met more people in the last two years living at Pōhutukawa Landing, than he has in the last four decades,” so he’s enjoying the social aspect of village living.
“We don’t have our own bowling green at Pōhutukawa Landing, but we do have a great relationship with the Maraetai Bowling Club. When we put out the invitation the uptake from the other villages was excellent.”
The day was filled with sunshine, laughter, lunch, and a good dose of serious, but friendly, competition.
“There are some very good bowlers out there today. Our team is under strict instructions to win, or they’re not allowed on the bus home!” laughed Dennis.
With the Pōhutukawa Broncos, one of the village’s two teams taking out first place, followed closely by the Hibiscus Coast Knights, nobody had to walk home!